Flying Saucer is a Conscious Business Incubator that is dedicated to
the New World. Our projects serve the wellbeing of people and planet Earth.

We teach the energetics of sacred business and how to create and lead
from a place of intuition, alignment, joy, and ease.

For global changemakers and heart-led entrepreneurs who have
a purpose greater than profit. We provide energetic business mentorship and outsourced strategy, marketing, communications, and operations.

Flying Saucer is a Conscious Business Incubator that is dedicated to the New World. Our projects serve the wellbeing of people and planet Earth.

We teach the energetics of sacred business and how to create and lead from a place of intuition, alignment, joy, and ease. 

For global changemakers and heart-led entrepreneurs who have a purpose
greater than profit.

We provide energetic business mentorship and outsourced strategy, marketing, communications, and operations.




our process

If you're a match to our style and methods, we'll send you a client intake form. The purpose of this thorough questionnaire is to deeply understand you, your goals, and where you're starting from. 


Flying Saucer provides a holistic approach to business development and growth. An intimate safe space, individualized attention, and completely custom work is given to each of our hand-selected clients.

We are partners in the truest sense — here to draw out the perfect genius already within you, not to "sell" you on anything.  

Flying Saucer provides a holistic approach to business development and growth. An intimate safe space, individualized attention, and completely custom work is given to each of our hand-selected clients.

We are partners in the truest sense — here to draw out the perfect genius already within you, not to "sell" you on anything.  

We will lead you through a series of workshops that will lay the foundation for our entire path forward. Together, we'll identify your grandest vision and clarify your message to the world. We'll come away with a strategic plan that outlines the highest and best next steps to achieve your goals. 

We will lead you through a series of workshops that will lay the foundation for our entire path forward. Together, we'll identify your grandest vision and clarify your message to the world. We'll come away with a strategic plan that outlines the highest and best next steps to achieve your goals. 


With the foundation set, we’re ready for action. As we lead you through the stages of your strategic plan, we will act as a tuning fork to help you stay heart-aligned and focused on the task at hand. We will hold steady your strategic vision and enable you to simply show up and make decisions. 

Because the professional is personal, you can expect to grow and transform as much as your venture will. We will teach you how to live and create in the New World Way, by aligning project schedules with the lunar cycle and by following the energetics of sacred business. You'll see just how joy-and-ease-filled it can be. 

With the foundation set, we’re ready for action. As we lead you through the stages of your strategic plan, we will act as a tuning fork to help you stay heart-aligned and focused on the task at hand. We will hold steady your strategic vision and enable you to simply show up and make decisions. 

Because the professional is personal, you can expect to grow and transform as much as your venture will. We will teach you how to live and create in the New World Way, by aligning project schedules with the lunar cycle and by following the energetics of sacred business. You'll see just how joy-and-ease-filled it can be. 



Anything can be accomplished, no matter where you're starting from. All you need to do is follow your heart and allow the process to take the time that it takes.

We enable you to dream big and have fun as you step into your most aligned chapter yet!

A holistic approach to business development and growth that includes strategy, marketing, communications, user experience, operations, network and partnership development, and community building. Helping you provide immediate value to your ideal target audience. Through a single point of contact, we manage project planning and implementation, in addition to managing teams, contractors, vendors, and partners. 

Think of us as an outsourced marketing and operations management team. We allow you to simply show up and make decisions, so that you can work ON your business and not IN your business.





Changemakers are heart-led, conscious leaders who want to use their influence to change our world for the better. Their ventures have a higher calling than just profit – they operate with purpose and for the good of all.

We manage everything needed to turn your big idea into reality (visioning, strategy, planning, implementation). Through energetic business mentorship, we will help you to show up as the leader you were put on this planet to be and to make real change in the world starting right now. It’s easier than you think – especially with the right team behind you.





• Energetic business mentorship
• Lunar cycle project alignment
• Brand development, rebranding
• Strategic communications
• Digital footprint audit
• Online presence development
• Grassroots and out-of-the-box promotions
• Digital and traditional promotions
• Digital and printed material design
• Creative and strategic ideation

• Leadership training
• Strategic enterprise planning 
• Standard operating procedures
• Business model and services development
• Customer journey and UX mapping 
• Network and partnerships strategy 
• Team building and management
• Single POC for project management
• Vacation coverage planning 






Anything can be accomplished, no matter where you’re starting from. All you need to do is follow your heart and allow the process to take the time that it takes.

We enable you to dream big and have fun as you step into your most aligned chapter yet!

CLICK offering

A holistic approach to business development and growth that includes strategy, marketing, communications, user experience, operations, network and partnership development, and community building. Helping you provide immediate value to your ideal target audiences. Through a single point of contact, we manage project planning and implementation, in addition to managing teams, contractors, vendors, and partners. 

Think of us as an outsourced marketing and operations management team. We allow you to simply show up and make decisions, so that you can work ON your business and not IN your business.

Changemakers are heart-led, conscious leaders who want to use their influence to change our world for the better. Their ventures have a higher calling than just profit – they operate with purpose and for the good of all.

We manage everything needed to turn your big idea into reality (visioning, strategy, planning, implementation). Through energetic business mentorship, we will help you to show up as the leader you were put on this planet to be and to make real change in the world starting right now. It’s easier than you think – especially with the right team behind you.

• Energetic business mentorship
• Lunar cycle project alignment
• Brand development, rebranding
• Strategic communications
• Digital footprint audit
• Online presence development
• Grassroots and out-of-the-box promotions
• Digital and traditional promotions
• Digital and printed material design
• Creative and strategic ideation

• Leadership training
• Strategic enterprise planning 
• Standard operating procedures
• Business model and services development
• Customer journey and UX mapping 
• Network and partnerships strategy 
• Team building and management
• Single POC for project management
• Vacation coverage planning 

into everything we touch. We prioritize projects led by women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ community members. Nothing we do is cookie-cutter, and we love to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

We infuse intention, authenticity, and clarity

We provide upfront, honest feedback and ask you to do the same. This allows us to quickly course correct and continue following our collective North Star.

What you want to hear and what you need to hear can be two different things

There are better investments of time and money than feeding a digital algorithm. We help you to provide immediate value directly to your target audience, and to channel your precious energy wisely. How you secretly wish you could show up in your business is actually what will serve you most.

Attraction is more powerful than advertising

Why compete with the noise when you can create something new and unique? We help solve problems that are meaningful to you. Being your true self is the strongest way to attract the things you want most.

Comparison is the thief of joy—and individuality

Our work follows structure and rhythms to flow as effectively as possible. But as nature doesn't rush the blooming of a flower, we also allow things to take the time that they take. We focus on producing the best outcomes — not on deadlines.

The best ideas take time

We speak positively about ourselves, our clients, our projects, and our dreams. Words manifest and use this power intentionally.



The opportunity to embrace the New World Way is here. We wear our values on our sleeve and choose to collaborate with those who share them.

founding story

As the world turned upside down from the 2020 pandemic, we decided it was time for a huge change.

At the time, we were working high-powered careers, burning out from stress, and experiencing the many symptoms of chronic dis-ease...






As the world turned upside down from the 2020 pandemic, we decided it was time for a huge change. At the time, we were working high-powered careers, burning out from stress, and experiencing the many symptoms of chronic dis-ease.

We decided to quit our jobs, sell our home, buy a Jeep and camper, and embark on a nomadic trip with no end in sight. Our Fantastic Voyage ended up lasting an entire year.

Liberated by our home on wheels, we chased warm weather up the West Coast of the U.S. and immersed ourselves in nature – healing, resting, soul searching. We invested in the support of natural healers and spiritual teachers and were able to rewild, discover our true values, and recreate our life based on those newfound ideals. 

Today, we live in Calabasas, California. We founded Flying Saucer to bring peace, joy, and freedom to the collective. Through our work, we are building community and molding the clay of the New World. We invite you to join this movement.




Faeth is an intuitive brand and business consultant who teaches how to live and create in the New World Way. Faeth was awarded Young Advertiser of the Year in 2018 after working at top full-service PR and advertising agencies in the Southwest. A Master in Public Relations from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, Faeth has a career-long specialty in health and wellness. 

Collaborations and clients:
$2.5B Integrative Healthcare Innovator, Celebrity Energy Healer, Guinness World Record Setter, World-Class Mindset and Mobility Coach, Healing Retreats and Events Centers, Medspas and Beauty, Diné (Navajo Nation), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic, Alzheimer’s Association, U.S. Health Departments.






Having lived and worked across the world from England, Alaska, South Korea to the most prominent U.S. cities, Jazz has proven himself a creative genius able to simplify the most complex problems.

Jazz holds a Master's in Leadership and is a former U.S. Air Force Officer who has led teams of over 400, managed budgets over $40M, and worked with Ambassadors, Secretaries of Defense, and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. Jazz co-founded a $35M+ technology company in the environmental health and safety space.

His management consulting has been trusted by Forbes Top 5 Companies. Jazz was featured as a public speaker at the Bob Hope USO and at UCLA.


Creative and Strategic Advisor


founding story

As the world turned upside down from the 2020 pandemic, we decided it was time for a huge change. At the time, we were working high-powered careers, burning out from stress, and experiencing the many symptoms of chronic dis-ease.

We decided to quit our jobs, sell our home, buy a Jeep and camper, and embark on a nomadic trip with no end in sight. Our Fantastic Voyage ended up lasting an entire year.

Liberated, we chased warm weather up the West Coast of the U.S. and immersed ourselves in nature – healing, resting, soul searching. We invested in the support of natural healers and spiritual teachers and were able to rewild, discover our true values, and recreate our life based on those newfound ideals. 

Today, we live in Calabasas, California. We founded Flying Saucer to bring peace, joy, and freedom to the collective. Through our work, we are building community and molding the clay of the New World. We invite you to join this movement.



Intuitive brand and business consultant who teaches how to live and create in the New World Way. Awarded Young Advertiser of the Year in 2018. Master of Public Relations, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. Specialization in health and wellness.

Collaborations and clients:
$2.5B Integrative Healthcare Innovator, Celebrity Energy Healer, Guinness World Record Setter, World-Class Mindset & Mobility Coach, Healing Retreat & Event Centers, Medspas & Beauty, Diné (Navajo Nation), CDC, Mayo Clinic, Alzheimer’s Association, U.S. Health Departments.




Having lived and worked across the world from England, Alaska, South Korea to the most prominent U.S. cities, Jazz has proven himself a creative genius able to simplify the most complex problems.

Jazz holds a Master's in Leadership and is former U.S. Air Force Officer who has led teams of over 400, managed budgets over $40M, and worked with Ambassadors, Secretaries of Defense, and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. Jazz co-founded a $35M+ technology company. His management consulting has been trusted by Forbes Top 5 Companies. Jazz was featured as a public speaker at the Bob Hope USO and at UCLA. 


© 2024 Flying Saucer Co.          All Rights Reserved. Web Design by From Karlie

© 2024 Flying Saucer Co.          All Rights Reserved.
Web Design by From Karlie

Let’s Make
a Cosmic Connection

Let’s Make a
Cosmic Connection